There are almost 38 Crore people are suffering from diabetes
in this world. India is not far behind having diabetes patients. Like slow
poison it helps the patients to go forward to death. The patients of diabetes
have to face many health problems and even lend to ultimate death. The
excessive amount of sugar in the blood causes uneven blood circulation which
affects on some body parts like kidney, liver, heart etc. Eyesight may also be
hampered for this.
High blood pressure i.e. blood sugar is the reason of
insufficient insulin or the cells of the body are not proper responding
insulin. Naturopathy treatment for diabetes helps the patients to live healthy and normal life. To control
diabetes there is nothing better than nature cure treatment including yoga and
nature therapy. The result can be more improved by the by yoga and physical
exercise in routine life. It is proven that naturopathy treatment is very
effective for diabetes patients and completely free from any kind of side
Among most other naturopathy treatment for diabetes in India here has been discussed about 3 types:
Herbs and Herbals
From ancient times herbs and herbals are used to remedy any
ailments by natural way. IT is called by ancient texts that there is no any
ailment that cannot be cured by herbs and herbals. The nature therapists apply
to the patients of diabetes herbs like as
fig leaves, cinnamon, fenugreek, olive oil, grape seed extracts, Aloe Vera,
neem, Indian gooseberry, soy, and holy basil to cure the disorder. By using
these naturopathic professionals try the patients to get better position than
Yoga or yogic posture is the best treatment to most of the
ailments. It not only works on body but at the same time works on mind and
helps to cure the ailments from root. The presence of high sugar in the blood
calls imbalance of hormonal secretion in the body. For this many side effects
appear like anxiety, depression etc. that is enough to worse the condition of
the patient. Yoga can solve all these mental problems if practice under the proper
guidelines of any trainer. The therapists always recommend practicing yoga
everyday at the same time at least one hour. It helps to stay a sound mind
within sound body and also helps to remove body toxin.
Water Therapy
Water therapy is no
doubt very effective treatment for diabetes patients. As the human body is
comprised mostly with water this method helps to remove excessive body toxin
and wastes from body. The diabetes patients always feel hunger and thirsty and
experience frequent urination. Naturopathyfor diabetes including water therapy is also helpful for these feeling of
the patients.
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