nature therapy

Shirodhara – A Prominent Nature Therapy in India


Our ancient healers and physicians used to believe that the mind is the center of all things! Keep it clear and focused and the same would reflect in our lives.  However, our cosmopolitan life does not always permit situation for that to happen. It’s not always the food we eat or the tension at work that we accumulate, that leads to anxiety. Rather, it’s also to do with what we see and hear. News snippets reporting conflict and films showing violence also increases the inner stress, dilemma and fear! All this builds up unwanted pressure on the crown and results in lack of mental clarity, headaches, and brain fog. When ignored, this can lead to debilitating ailments like even a sinusitis. Shirodhara is a popular nature therapy that helps to eliminate this. 

Nature therapy in India dates back many years when herbs and natural elements like earth and water was used to heal and treat the body. Today, Naturopathy has revived the same principles and is using it to generate health and wellness. Shirodhara is a therapy that rejuvenates and relaxes the mind. The process involves dropping oil in the form of a thread on the head. This induces a sense of tranquillity and helps an individual to gain increased focus and clarity.  Some of the crucial benefits of this therapy include:
·         Helps to reduces the occurrence of insomnia
·         Treats various ailments that are associated with the eyes, head, ears, neck, nose and throat
·         Helps to reduce, heal and alleviate nervous disorders and abnormalities
·         Helps in removing tension headaches
·         Prevents the hair from premature greying
·         Helps in the reduction of neck pains and shoulder cramps
·         Prevents the hair from falling and nourishes it from within
·         Helps to increase the lustre of the hair and  its overall quality
·         Helps to relax and eliminate stress, anxiety and tension
·         Cures hypertension or hypersensitivity

Shirodhara is said to have miraculous healing than conventional medicine. Keeping this in mind, today established nature therapy centers in India deploy advanced techniques and experts to conduct this therapy.

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