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Is There A Natural Treatment For Cervical Spondylitis?


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Are you looking for solutions to get rid of the discomfort that your back and headaches associated with spondylitis give you? Here are some natural remedies that are easy to put into practice.

Brief Introduction About Cervical Spondylitis

If it is a painful cervical spondylitis, the first therapeutic measures will consider alleviating the discomfort created.

Cervical pain can be caused by an injury (inflammation), older or newer, or by a muscle spasm caused by the accumulation of tension.

Preparations based on white willow are ideal for alleviating inflammation and for relieving neck movements. Also helpful is the alternative application of cold and warm compresses for 20 minutes. The warm compress - with a calming role - is left for 3 minutes, and the cold one - with an anti-inflammatory role - one minute.

Exercise for Cervical Spondylitis

Managing and supporting the affected portion of the spine is, in the long run, an important part of the therapeutic approach in spondylitis.

To save the spine, we can start by watching our posture more closely. For example, if you are at the work table or at the wheel, make sure that the desk and the seat, respectively the car seat is adjusted to the right new height.

To correct the posture, there are a number of working methods, including the Alexander technique, but also yoga.

Also, to support the spine, you can regularly do physical exercises that develop the related muscles. Last but not least, the habit of daily relaxing the muscles of the neck and shoulders through specific exercises prevents the appearance of pain and blockages.


Acupuncture is a complementary therapy that allows very thin needle inserting the painful area in your body. This process activates pain relieving hormones. It is clinically proved that acupuncture is completely safe and effective intervention to reduce pain.

Though most people think that all natural therapies are perfect to reduce the pain of spondylitis, but this type of thinking is not right. It varies man to man. Some people feel comfort with yoga and acupuncture; other may have success with cold therapy or massage. If you feel any discomfort with the therapies, talk to your therapist as soon as possible.

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