nature cure center

5 Effective Naturopathy Treatments for High Blood Pressure


High blood pressure, also referred to as hypertension, is a major health problem that affects many people around the globe. In the United States alone, it is regarded as one of the main health disorders. Hypertension is related directly to various health problems, such as mineral deficiencies, lack of vitamins, bone disorders, cardiac disorders and stroke. Only in the U.S, around 100,000 people are known to die each and every year due to health issues resulting from hypertension. It is cured medically with prescription drugs, although these are not very effective in management. Naturopathy treatment is often opted for by hypertension patients these days, and the following natural remedies can be highly assistive in curing the condition.


It is one of the best naturopathy treatments for high blood pressure. It contains germanium and selenium in small doses. Selenium assists in preventing abnormal coagulation of blood and stabilizes blood pressure levels. It also comprises of natural ACE inhibitors, such as gamma-glutamyl peptides and flavonol compounds. It is also rich in sulfur compounds, adenosine and allicin, which can help dilate the arteries – making blood circulation easier - and reduce high blood pressure levels.
naturopathy centre in Pune

Apple Cider Vinegar

It is often recommended in nature cure center due to the presence of as many as 42 vitamins and minerals, and beta carotene. As it is mineral-rich, it can lead to a stronger immunity and help combat internal and external pathogens. It also contains potassium, which helps lower blood pressure on arteries and assists with blood thinning. It also contains the compound nitric oxide which can ease the blood vessels and lower hypertension.

It is rich in nitric oxide, which is known to help the body maintain a stable blood pressure. According to recent research, consumption of cocoa can help the body to utilize nitric oxide in a more effective manner. This can also help to maintain the blood pressure in a stable range. It contains high amounts of flavanols, which have rich antioxidant effects and can promote effective blood circulation through the arteries.

Indian Gooseberry
It is also known as Amla. Naturopaths in nature cure centre recommend mixing 1 tsp juice of amla with honey. The mixture should be consumed each morning. The juice of amla should be blended with turmeric juice and consumed on an empty stomach every morning.

naturopathy treatment
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is another important remedy for high blood pressure. Patients are advised to consume 1 tsp of this pepper along with ½ cup lukewarm water in order to stabilize their blood sugar levels. It is also regarded by some people as one of the quickest ways to manage high B.P.

It is regarded as one of the safest and inexpensive ways to lower blood pressure. In naturopathy centre in Pune, practitioners often recommend patients to drink plenty of water. They are always recommended to keep a water bottle close at hand. This is due to the fact that dehydration is found to be one of the major trigger factors of hypertension. Keeping the body well-hydrated with consumption of at least 8 to 9 glasses of water every day in order to prevent high blood pressure problems.

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