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How To Save Yourself From Kidney Stone Naturally?


naturopathy centre

Kidney stones are a very common problem. Lack of adequate water is one of the reasons for kidney stones. Another reason is the presence of excess oxalate or phosphate in the body. Medicines and surgery treatment are not safe at many times. The only safe option is to treat by naturopathy treatment.

As food habit is one of the main reasons for kidney stone, so every naturopathic therapist basically pays attention on diet chart. Balanced eating, getting enough water to prevent kidney stones is very important. There are many foods that can speed up the process of kidney stones. So, it is better to skip them or eat less.

Try to Avoid Following Food / Food Components


It is better to eat less salt to keep the kidneys good. Sodium works in the production of calcium and can cause kidney stones in excess. So, avoid processed fast-food; Use less salt in food.

Vitamin C

Surely vitamin C can damage the kidneys - you must be surprised to hear that? In fact, taking enough vitamin C is good for the body. However, taking extra vitamin C produces side effects. It is better to eat 5 mg of vitamin C daily. However, taking in more vitamins can produce oxalates. And this increases the risk of kidney stones.

Soft Drink

Many people like to eat cold soft drinks. However, phosphoric acid in soda is harmful to the body. Because, it contains phosphate. And it can make stones in the kidneys. So, it's best to avoid this drink.

Animal Protein

Yes, consuming excessive amounts of animal protein, such as red meat (cows, mutton), seafood, can produce kidney stones. This type of animal protein increases the amount of uric acid and lowers the citrate content. Uric acid can form kidney stones. Therefore, it is better to eat less such foods to prevent kidney stones.

Less intake of these above foods can decrease the risk of kidney stone. In fact, taking huge amount of water is one of the most effective ways to prevent and melt the kidney stone.

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