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Is There Natural Method for Sinusitis?


Natural Treatment India

Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease of the sinuses or hollow cavities in the bones surrounding the nose, caused by several reasons, and can be acute or chronic.

In this article we will discuss a possible natural treatment with roots that could serve as a complement to the treatment for sinusitis and its symptoms: mucus, congestion, heaviness in the face, pains in different areas of the head, cough and tiredness.

Causes of Sinusitis

Knowing the possible causes of sinusitis can be of great help to treat it properly.

Anatomical issues: For example, the deviated septum or enlarged turbinate.

Bad habits: A very frequent one is tobacco, in active smokers but also in passive smokers.

Infections caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria.

Chronic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis or diabetes.

5 Natural Remedies for Sinusitis

If a sinusitis lasts more than three weeks, we would already be talking about chronic phase instead of acute state and to avoid perpetuating the discomfort it is evident that measures aimed at the background treatment must be taken. The most important are:

1.Eliminate foods that produce mucus, especially milk and its derivatives (great improvements occur with this change).

2.Practice the "neti" or nasal shower with saline or slightly salty water.

3.Applying hot water cloths to the face several times a day, for 15 minutes at a time, relieves symptoms as it favours drainage and increases blood flow in the area.

4.Hydration, essential: with water, infusions and fruit juices.

5.Inhalation of vapours, adding to the water mucolytic medicinal plants such as traditional rosemary, eucalyptus, cypress pine, or a few drops of tea tree essential oil.

Sinusitis and nasal allergies are very similar in terms of the symptoms that patients manifest, and the causes that cause them. Although sinusitis can be seen as a disease with few complications, it is very uncomfortable and problematic to live with it and it can become a chronic and recurring problem. The options to end sinusitis naturally are several, and very effective.

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