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Restore Good Health and Confidence: Weight Loss Program in Naturopathy


weight loss

The obesity issue is not about vanity alone; it is the issue of our health and our physical and emotional well-being. Billions are forked out across the world by people looking for a magical quick fix to their weight issues, yet the majority continue to struggle. Novelty fad diets and surgical procedures lead to fast - sometimes dramatic - weight loss, but only for the pounds to creep back on again because they don't address the underlying reasons why a person is overweight in the first place.

Weight Loss Diet 

The weight loss treatments are supplemented with a supervised diet plan to increase their efficacy. The process works on the internal cleansing of the body. The digestive system cannot be overloaded with greasy and heavy foods which are difficult to digest and the focus is on foods that are healthy, organic and easy to digest. The focus is to ensure that the meals are nutritious and tasty so that a healthy diet can be flavorsome too.


Yoga revitalizes the endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic and digestive system thus enhancing the body's metabolic activity which helps in controlling weight gain significantly long after the treatments are done. In a well-rounded yoga regimen, every part of the body is pulled, twisted and massaged internally thus toning the internal organs and tissues and aiding them to function optimally.


Stress is known to be the primary cause of weight gain and erratic eating patterns. Shirodhara is an effective stress buster aiming to calm the mind. It involves the warm and steady flow of medicated oils on the forehead, more specifically on the "third eye." The calming medicated oils flow in a continuous stream transporting the self to a calmer place thawing all negative emotions. It is said to have a balancing effect on the deepest recesses of the brain while stimulating the endocrine system's pituitary and pineal glands.

Detox tea

The specially brewed tea is infused with herbs that make it very effective for controlling gas and reducing stomach acidity. It improves liver function, lowers blood sugar and is useful for controlling diabetes. The tea is known to aid weight reduction, reduces the risks of various cardiovascular diseases, reduces blood pressure, strengthens the bones and helps maintain healthy and youthful skin.

Naturopathy treatments emphasize a holistic solution that helps people lose excess weight and keep it off, while also improving their overall health. The experts amalgamate the best practices of yoga and naturopathy to address the issue more comprehensively. The treatments are individualized and are based on the understanding of the unique body constitution or basic nature of the body i.e. lifestyle, treatments, diet, and exercise.

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