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How Does Naturopathy Treatment Work On Overweight?


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Weight gain is most often not a separate disease, but a symptom (sign) of another disease. The most common causes of overweight are insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome) and hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function).

In order to properly begin the treatment of excess weight, it is necessary, first of all, to understand what led to the development of this disease in the patient. To do this, you must visit nature cure centre in Mumbai and undergo an examination that can accurately determine the disease, the manifestation of which is obesity.

Since the most common cause of excess weight is insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome), we will focus on the recommendations for these patients.

Therapeutic tactics in these patients consists of two main directions:

  • Lifestyle modification.
  • Therapeutic measures to increase insulin sensitivity.
Lifestyle modification is carried out in the following main areas:
  • Modification of physical activity.
  • Stress management.
  • Reducing toxic effects on the body.

Diet Recommendations

Each meal should include both proteins and fats and carbohydrates. Proteins of vegetable origin (beans, soybeans, beans, peas, nuts), the next most important protein in seafood (fish, crustaceans) are preferred for you. You prefer carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index (less than 50): vegetables (except potatoes), cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, brown and wild rice, wholemeal flour products (black bread, bran).

Exercise Recommendations

Overweight patients are recommended, first of all, aerobic physical activity, i.e. loads, the duration of which without interruption will be at least 45 minutes. Such loads include: running, cycling, swimming, brisk walking, etc. The number of classes per week should be 5-7 times. Less than 3 times a week does not fundamentally affect insulin sensitivity. However, it is necessary to start physical activity after consulting a therapist and determining your tolerance to physical activity. The intensity of the load is determined by your tolerance to it. Usually the therapists of naturopathy centre near Mumbai set the heart rate limits that the patient should adhere to during exercise.


Detoxification in the human body is the process of chemical modification of foreign chemical compounds that have entered the body, the purpose of which is to reduce their toxicity and increase their solubility in water. Naturopathy treatment is the perfect way to get rid of harmful toxins.

Stress Management

Physiological stress can be one of the important reasons for the development of excess weight. This wellness treatment is always helpful to keep away stress.

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