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6 Mistakes That Prevent You from Losing Weight


Reaching the ideal weight is, in many cases, an objective set for aesthetic reasons and associated with social canons, but the main objective and motivation to lose weight should be to improve health and quality of life. It is important that the assessment, guideline and monitoring of a diet to lose weight is done by an accredited professional so that the recommendations and adjustments are the most appropriate and adapted to each individual and the patient does not have any nutritional deficiency.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Today it is common to lead a hectic pace of life with lack of schedules and time to spend sitting and enjoying food. Not respecting 4-5 intakes a day is an important factor that makes weight control difficult, if the intakes are not planned correctly, they tend to be of higher caloric density and less nutritious. With hunger, less healthy products are “pecked” between meals and generate imbalances in the diet.

Sleeping Little and Bad

Poor quality of sleep can deregulate appetite, slow down metabolism, and increase energy reserves. In addition, the sleep stain affects the overall health of the body since the repair of the organs and tissues that takes place during sleep is not carried out normally. 

Extra Sugar Intake 

The added sugar in food can represent an extra calorie that we do not control, but it can be a very limiting factor in losing weight. Drinking 3 coffees a day can represent consuming about 30g of sugar, this means consuming an additional 120Kcal. A 330ml of soda can provide 35g of sugar with an additional 140Kcal. 

Lack of Physical Activity 

To achieve good weight control, the energy consumed must be balanced with the energy expended; promoting physical activity that increases energy expenditure is a key element that facilitates weight loss. A minimum of 30 to 60 minutes a day of physical activity adjusted to the capacities of each individual must be ensured.

We have seen some of the limitations that can hinder weight loss, each patient must be analysed and their habits and diet evaluated to detect the aspects that may hinder their weight loss.  Do you want to learn more about healthy eating, food and its properties? Do you dare to get started in the exciting world of food and nutrition? Then contact the best naturopathy centre in Mumbai. 

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